Produce Instead of Serve 1/8/19
The purpose of this writing and drawing is very simple: To produce. “It’s now become a habit to serve instead of produce.” - Fresh Blueberry Pancake, Heavy LP 1970. Ideally, I want to produce rather than serve. If I have to serve, at least I can still try to produce. Even if what I produce isn’t vitally important, I just want to. In a way, it’s a kind of intoxicating engagement. I could spend time once way or another, this is as good of a way as alcoholism was. I’m participating in a small way in the collective illusion. The computer technician codes, I’m a reader and I’m coding in the language of ideas and stories. Probably nothing will ever come of it, but at least I can say “this came from me. I produced a thing instead of slavishly accepting other people’s fantasies.” It’s also a way for me to show my appreciation for other people’s fantasies. If you imagine the world of art as a free pile, I took some things, but also left some things. Even though they’re small things. Basically, my civic duty as a person who enjoys other people’s art.