Insomnia Thoughts
Maybe the root cause of my insomnia is a profound need to be alone in the dark for hours every day. I’m neither an introvert nor an extrovert. There’s a problem with this in that I have the needs of both. Meeting these requirements and still being productive at a level that is up to my own standards is hard. Maybe if I force myself to spend more time alone in the evening then I can go to bed. early without racing thoughts. I estimate I need about 4 hours of this time alone each day. It might be ok for me to draw on exercise inside that block of time. But besides those two, anything I do has to fall under the category of ‘meditative’…Otherwise I’ll only end up shirking whatever responsibilities lie in the way…This is in some hard to explain or understand way a vital neural recharge and I posit that it is caused by my autism. But because I’m not so introverted as some autistic people, its take me a while to understand that I need that time and I’ll make whatever sacrifices I have to for it, because…well, I suppose my brain is like a weak computer that’s been overclocked beyond its capacity. Without time to cool down, it’ll automatically force shutdown to avoid melting its circuits.