Why Metal is Bad for my Health
Blunt trauma is metal. My opinion is that while a lot of metal heads are racist, racism is metallically neutral. Sexism however is definitely metal. Usually women are considered less metal, but there are exceptions such as Wendy O Williams. As we’ve seen from the band members of Mayhem, suicide and murder are both considered extremely metal.
I don’t know why all these things are metal but there seems to be a pattern here. By the way, religion is only metal if it results in things such as crucifixiob (extremely metal), jihad or the Spanish Inquisition, which no one ever expects. Metal is basically the enemy of human life, prosperity, and well-being. Nuclear war=metal. Ebola virus outbreaks…metal.
However, because life inevitably involves suffering and ultimately death, life is also very metal. From this standpoint, metal ca be seen as a sort of Hilo Sophia life perspective o how to deal with ad endure the bloody, filthy lot we’ve been dealt as biological creatures with thinking minds trapped on a rock in a freezing vacuum full of burning gases. Sounds pretty metal to me.
It’s metal to be fat, and it’s metal to not care that you are fat. If people think you are hideous, that’s also metal. Bonus points if you are fat because you’re addicted to alcohol Being addicted to drugs is metal as long as they negatively impact yourself and those around you. Needles are metal. Self-mortification is metal. Gaping infected wounds are metal. Reckless driving is metal. It’s metal to die of unnatural causes. Fucking [land whales] is metal, fuckiong old ladies is also metal. In fact, those are the healthiest things that are metal. Eating garbage is ,teal. Two of the most metal meals I;ever ever had: a moldy green orange peel. Spaghetti from a college compost bin eaten out of a rusty paint can. Metal AF. Abscesses are metal.