Stories, Math, and Existentialism
Who owns a story? The writer? The publisher? The hero? No one can. They don’t actually exist…or do they? Is the paper the physical body of a story, the ink it’s wizened face? If I write a geometric proof, is its existence defined by the template it’s engrained upon? Or, does that myth exist, but in our mind? If it doesn’t then does any part of our mind actually exists? Then, might stories not be as real as math proofs? But, can we decide if math exists outside the mind? If it does, what does that say about stories? Supposing that numbers are a product of reality meeting consciousness, then, are stories? As the symbols can be changed in algebra and still mean the same thing, the letters and words of a story are not its substance but only a means of transmission. The story on the page is dead until it meets the unmanned eye, like the formula.