Sex Diatribe p.1 11/6/18
Some of the cartoons I want to draw could be pretty sexist.
I grew up exposed to a sexist media, and I learned to objectify female characters in stories with extreme prejudice, because I was a nasty little fucker with a Y chromosome.
Somewhere I’ve heard it pointed out that the Y chromosome is a mutation.
If men are mutants, women are our hosts in a parasitic relationship. Love for the parasite growing inside you is a sick joke, but I’ve heard its beautiful. Sorry. But I love my mom, too. (And my Dad — Ed.)
“That Calvinistic sense of innate depravity from whose visitations, in some shape or other, no deeply thinking mind is always wholly free.” —-Herman Melville
Keeping in mind there’s a lot of stuff I haven’t gotten to draw yet, because of skill, will to devote time to single projects, and being in jail on trial. (Lack of privacy, tools —Ed.) I might (“Might”? HA —Ed.) be a repressed sadist. When my first partner gave me permission, I repeatedly enjoyed causing her pain. This disturbed me, but I liked it. I was so disturbed by it that, reasoning that I should know what I was doing, I began to hurt myself with razors and fire.
When I see that a girl has scars that are self inflicted (but superficial), I become interested in them. I’m socially inept, not a manipulator type, but I’m attracted to this type of girl. I (somewhat mistakenly) associate self harm with a willingness to submit physically, and to consensually accept pain and shame. I’m not bold when it comes to shaming. Except in a few instances where I for real disdained my temporary partner because I was annoyed by what I perceived as, essentially, stupidity, and/or weakness. I was genuinely dismayed by their actions, yet I got off on mistreating them (verbally and in terms of commands/ultimatums) and then having sex with them anyway….
I essentially dislike many aspects of people and I Know this is a douche thing to say, but im usually/al