10/10/18 Mysticism Meditational Writing
Madness is a great danger to the aspirant mystic. All is Maya. It is crucial to apprehend the illusions (that make our world) but without falling prey to the enticements of their falsehood. To seek truth, first seek to recognize what is not true. That is the path to gnosis.
Among the illusions that male our world, it is natural to see patters. But those patterns are also illusions. The life of a mystic thinker is one of ceaseless interpretation. Peeling away the sin of the world. It is not a struggle, but a way of being. In that sense, it’s infinite - gnosis unattainable.
To apprehend the illusion/maya/symbol without losing sight of the fact that it is merely a representation…though it may have a contextual meaning…meanings and concepts (as well as sense data) are inventions of the mind.
Which is an invention of itself. Tautological. Writing is my way of meditation.
By apprehending these illusions maybe I’ll learn how to better use my art/words (illusions) to convey a purer meaning.