Python coding: death by a 100 cats
My eyes are going to explode out of my skull from the difficulty of this logic puzzle. To my admittedly puny mind, the 100 cats puzzle. I've been at it for two hours now. I can't do it. You have 100 cats , you have to go around and put a hat on each cat, the second time you put a hat on only every second cat then every third cat, until you put a hat only on the 100th cat. You have to make python do this, and return which cats have hats. This is the end of me. I've died the death of a samurai. I'm probably over thinking it. I'm trying to do this with a list of lists and , a for loop nested in a for loop ( I herd you like loops so we put a loop in ur loop so u can iterate while u iterate ) and the % operator. I can't seem to figure out how to only put hats on the right cats. Thus, I give you this ** bud dwyerss self *