Review of Guyabano Holiday
Guyabano Holiday : Panpanya has an appreciation for the absurd Note: I apologize for capitalization errors and typos. The new jpay tablet has a slightly different keyboard, and my wrist is very weak. So I can't be bothered to capitalize all the time . A journalistic comic, mostly . I really enjoyed " invitation from a crab " and I was not disappointed with Guyabano Holiday . Like " invitation" , i didn't want it to be over. This comic has a dadaist feel : a fixation with consumerism and the abstract. A sense of melancholy and dissociation that I've come to associate with good Japanese storytelling. I really like the ambiguity of the main character ( Is it a girl or a boy and is it a child or an adult ? ) and the strangeness of the men with three holed heads ( I think of it as a shell ) . Reading this comic, I was transfixed , but I couldn't fully explain to you why. It was like a comic book ASMR tape. There are several shorts , and a surreal account of a trip to the Philippines. It is at once desolate and heartwarming meaningful, but related in a way that is trivial and casual . I'm going to have to say that the work I've seen from panpanya is exquisite. [ small spoiler ahead... well, only kind of. ] " I ended up not finding any dried guyabano , but the experience of wandering around alone in search of guyabanos while powerless in a foreign land was a rare and valuable one. And while I didn't end up with what I went there for, what I returned with was worthwhile on it's own."