Possum has music again
Okay, so I've been listening to ribspreader a lot today. I know this is probably superfluous , because I usually don't listen to the music you reccomend ( Except the large numbers of ones I've adopted since being exposed to them by you as a child , so maybe its fair ) but I want you to know my picks are 'Nocturnal Manslaughter' , 'The Monolith' , 'Knee-Deep in Death' , 'Domes of the Ancients' , 'Bleeding You Dry ' and Salvation(Never Came) . I like them best at their slowest , which is typical for me. I'd like something that's about at the speed of 'Domes of the Ancients' , but with the brutality of 'Knee-Deep in Death'. I like metal with vocals like this, growled slowly and not screamed or grunted, and with creative vocals and samples ( Unforch, no samples here). I especially like at 1:58 to 2:03 in 'Knee Deep in Death' when he sort of freaks out, and 1:23-1:26 in 'Nocturnal Manslaughter' where they put the echo effect on the growl ("RUH-ruh-ruhhh) ... I'd like it better if the lyrics were a little more storytelling or exotic, but as I can't decipher most of them without reading them first, I can't fully judge. Overall, the vocals have good sonic effects, so I like them. Other bands I like, Pagan Altar, Innsmouth, Electric Wizard, Samael, all have i guess ... pseudo religious themes ? Like worship of fictional elder mythos deities( inns mouth , electric wizard ) or general occult spirituality ( Samael, pagan altar ) , so that's an ideal 'theme' for a metal band as far as im concerned. Its kind of like blues and trains like, what is there to sing metal about besides the colossal might of cthulhu and the demon womb of shub niggurath ?