Drugs 7/18
Q: Possum, why do you do drugs?
A: A long time ago, I had a good answer to this question.
Q: What is a drug?
A: An external substance that affects the body and or mind of a mammal.
Q: What is your favorite drug? How much of it have you used?
A: Tricky question. Do you mean which drug do I espouse the benefits of most, respect the most? Which do I enjoy the most? Or which drug do I like the most as a person? The drug I enjoy the most is methoxetamine. I should never use it or anything like it again. Honestly even opium would be better. I’ve used easily an ounce of MXE. The drug I respect the most is the combination of DMT and Harmaline. The drug I like best as a person is Day Brugmansia Suavolens leaves. You could say I am devoted to Brugmansia, as I am to Peganum Harmala.