Heinlein/Huxley 1/7/19
I never finished Stranger In A Strange Land but doesn’t it seem like “Stranger” is a kind of spin off, a…riff, on Brave New World? Sort of a reverse?
It’s much better than Island. I don’t know what it is Jay sees in that book. To me it just seems like a self righteous hippie jack-off fantasy. “Well, we were all really stoned and smarter than everyone else, our consciousnesses being several inches longer than yours. The End.”
It’s not that Jay had bad taste in books. Not at all.
Island has this tiresome lack of conflict, the conflict is watery and petty. Brave New World doesn’t have this problem, but it easily could have.
Some aspects of Brave New World are still sort of gross, like say, sort of pandering, but not nearly so bad as Island.
It’s not…genuinely misanthropic, that is to say, it’s meant to be misanthropic, but feels forced. Brave New World I mean. Still, it’s a good book.