DnD character sketch: Vaormina
Vaermina was once a drow war marshal . While on a solo mission in the underdark, a cave in trapped her in a strong Faerzress zone alone for an extended period of time. She was forced to survive on cave spiders for food and slime molds for liquid while the intense faerzress energies ate away at her mind. By the end of the ten days when she was dug out, she was intermittently catatonic. Seeing her weakness, the drow left her to die. During her time in the dark, Vaermina was assaulted by visions of Demogorgon. The madness of the demon lords that then plagued the underdark was what took her. She became a chosen plaything of demogorgon. For a more than a century now she has traveled the underdark on a spiritual crusade of random slaughter for demogorgon. Like demogorgon , Vaermina now has two personas, one careless and happy but bloodthirsty , and the other paranoid and calculating . These two constantly bicker , often out loud. During Vaerminas' century of wandering the deeps, she acquired a weapon : a chain with two heavy balls, with faces... one is frowny, the other is happy. This weapon is named after demogorgons heads, Aaemeul and Hathadrias . In battle Vaermina swings this meteor hammer in a wide arc, smashing the walls of the caves and ruins she travels through and sending splinters of stone shrapnel into her enemies. She defends herself with an enchanted cestus on her left arm, and this is what she fights with in quarters too close to use her meteor hammer. Vaermina no longer identifies as a drow or has any need for hierarchy or race slavery ... In her mind, she is an abyssal demon. Her life is characterized by catatonic meandering punctuated by intervals of indiscriminate smashing. Stats Vaermina Drow weapon master(apg) fighter 6 init +3 , darkvision 120, llv, per +4 AC 22/15/18 ( +6 armor +1 cestus +1 shield +1 dodge +3 dex ) or 21/15/17 in meteor mode HD 6d10+12 (50) fort +7 ref +5 will +1 (+2 v ench ) def an sr 6, immune to sleep SPD 30ft melee +1 impact(ue) meteor hammer (UC)+10/5(2d6+14+splash)(with reach) or meteor mode +8/+3(2d6+10+splash), +8/+3(1d8*+6+splash) * as an offhand the impact brand ceases to apply for this double weapon special attacks reliable strike 1/day, pushing assault , combat patrol statistics str 18 dex 16 con 14 int 11 wis 9 cha 15 bab+6 CMB +10/bullrush +13 , reposition +12 CMD 23/25 vs Disarm , Sunder Feats nimble moves(from darklands stalker), darklands stalker ( racial alternate) , weap prof impact hammer(bonus instead of drow prof) ,dodge, mobility , combat reflexes, combat patrol, power attack ,two weapon fighting, pushing assault skills climb +9 , survival +5, k(dungeoneering) +4, intimidate +5 , swim+8 , linguistics +1 , stealth +8 , perception +4 languages drow , under common, abyssal Magic items Aemeul and Hathadrias : Uniquish Meteor Hammer ( UC ) . This +1 impact meteor hammer has two heavy iron balls shaped like tragedy and comedy masks. In addition to the impact effect, where Aemeul and Hathadrias hits, if there is stone or other material, it deals 1 splash damage in adjacent squares ( Like an alchemists fire ) because of the flying splinters of rock, crystal , etc. This is also a weapon favored of demogorgon, and as such it is chaotic evil and pierces DR/chaos and DR/evil, and a good or lawful creature wielding it will have to save every day or take 1d6 sanity damage. Other magic items Belt of the minotaur , +1 defending cestus, decanter of endless water, 3 CSW pot , ring of climbing, boots of elvenkind Equipment 5 pellet grenades, silver dagger, 10 drow poison , spelunking gear, caltrops, mithral agile half plate Advancing Vaermina Consider adding a couple levels of antipaladin, inquisitor, warpriest, or barbarian, while allowing Aemeul and Hathadrias to be considered a sacred weapon for demogorgon , and adjusting to accommodate demogorgon as her deity for those classes. Maybe she doesn't need TWF, you could give her double slice but it seems like a waste. You could give her lunge . She takes the drow +1/3 CMB for reposition at every fighter level. Tactics Vaermina tries to keep enemies farther away so she can keep them at range for her meteor hammer. Tries for a lot of attacks of opportunity. Thus she mostly uses the meteor hammer in fortress mode while applying the enhancement bonus from her cestus to her ac. She uses combat patrol constantly in fortress mode to gain a 15 ft reach and always uses power attack.