wandering the breach
I don't know if this is a good or bad thing, but anyone with any experience as a hardcore MTG player will easily find absurdly exploitable mechanics in breach wanderers. That's probably intentional , but I think its a little easier for me because I'm so used to playing storm decks. That's also why I like the game, but. Idk. It feels a little like I'm not meant to so easily find a way to chain 30+ cards in a row. So far I've been able to pump sorcerous accretion up to 255 damage ( It starts at 6 ) and also improvised strike up to ~60x2 with furious retribution + resourceful strike . I just put improvised strike as the only strike in my starting deck so that its always fetched when I play combat ready , rallying strike or battle ready. If I'm able to find Armory then ill add other strikes like elemental strike and resourceful strike or sometimes , makeshift. First I always upgrade improvised strike and then usually , deft focus or improvise unless I have contemplate. Probably everyone does this ... it seems like the most obvious build. I just spam draw , mana and tools and feed them all to improvised strike. This is how if I have it I'm able to pump sorcerous accretion into hundreds of damage, but really, furious retribution and resourceful strike to buff improvise is a better combo. This way, I was able to beat the boss at the end of the Fetid Whatever on my first turn. Ive noticed many of the cards names are obvious magic the gathering references , which is cool. Frantic scouring for example. That's " Frantic Search " isn't it ? A great card in mtg ... if I recall, for madness decks. 2u draw and untap 3. Yea. Anyway, What's Not Cool is that it looks a lot like you can unlock alternates of the characters but they're not different other than visually. They're just skins. Super lame. And in the version I have ( In Prison , Man ) almost all the cards that would count unique debuffs or buffs like hexdust pouch or sunbolt don't actually count them and you get 0 for the value. The worst of these was strenuous vigor which gives me no shield and once actually minused my shield ! Its also stupid that we have to use silan to unlock caitan because he's just the dullest character and I hate him.