If possum was a gym leader
My gym would be the normal type gym. That makes me Whitney's spiritual brother. The gym itself would be an old abandoned building reclaimed by me and my disciples mostly homeless trainers off the streets that I let sleep in my gym and who I teach in the ways of normal type pokemon with dirty tactics. In order to get to me you'd have to defeat them while navigating around a series of hazards ( Because all gyms have hazards ) such as sharp, rusty pieces of metal siding, piles of smashed concrete and squat debris, and finally a collapsed staircase which leads to an upper floor with many holes , some which are obscured by black plastic trash bag material. This upper floor is where you will find me and where we will battle. My sprite depicts me in jinko jeans and a baggy silk gi, with black glasses long nappy locks of hair. In my mouth is one of those long opium style pipes filled with a blend of aromatic herbs and mullein. Then I'll say the requisite gym leader phrase : " Normal type pokemon are adaptable. That adaptability is what has kept me alive, and i share that strength with my pokemon. We'll leave you blacked out in the gutter ! " The pokemon I have will be a kangaskhan , a snorlax, a chansey, and a clefable. The chansey goes out first with minimize, softboiled, return, and egg bomb. Then goes snorlax , who has amnesia, belly drum, double edge, and rest, followed by clefable with cosmic power, minimize , ice beam , and psychic. Last is Kangaskhan, my highest level pokemon because of the whole marsupial thing. It has Fake out ( uses this first ) , dizzy punch ( second ) , stomp , and reversal. Then , if you've beaten me, I give you the Jasper badge which is made from pink imperial jasper and a TM containing cosmic power : " Cosmic power raises your special attack and defense. It lets a pokemon endure anything ! Use it on a pokemon you want to persevere. "