goddammit they have bongwater on the music catalogue but I can't get my favorite one the masterpiece ... It says " unavailable " if you try to buy it but you can listen to the preview... Its some kind of weird lesbian band but they have like, these hilarious soundbyte interludes I don't know if they're quotes or what ...but the one I'm familiar with is a comedic monologue of a young man or a woman with a boyish voice and , there voice is cracking like, almost on the verge of tears ( good performance... ) while explaining, perhaps to a parental figure about their collection of " sadomasochistic comics " and how " they're really into knots , those Japaneses " followed by a guitar riff and a female chorus singing in a kind of 1950s commercial voice " know its not right, know its not right tell your mom, tell your mom, tell your mom , women tied up in knots " ... Its really one of the things I've found that is a gem, to me.
I desperately would like to meet the people who made this soundbyte.