My Official Denunciation of the SyFy Channel
As inmate scum during this pandemic, as much as I try to stay motivated to work on my art skills, I watch a lot of TV. We're on lockdown right now. I noticed that I no longer even stop on the syfy channel anymore. I click right past it without even stopping long enough to see what's on. That is because the syfy channel is terrible now. "SyFy Original" has become a euphemism in my lexicon for " Shit Sandwich " .
Me : What are you watching ?
Cellmate scum: SyFy original ( He knows what this means to me )
Me: Ah, the golden seal of quality
Not only this but everything SyFy shows has become so family friendly to the point of mind crushing dullness. 90% of the time, its harry potter, and the rest of the time, its like, Shrek or something. Since when is Shrek science fiction ? Judgements for harry potter as a multimedia franchise aside, IT IS NOT FUCKING SCI FI.