
Prison Blog

In which Possum recounts his experiences as an offender in the system.

Possum Bones is autistic. He has identified as a dirty kid in the past, and he’s attended multiple rainbow gatherings. He has several years left to serve in the Washington Correctional system.

He has been making art since he could sit up. He communicates better in writing than speech. If you are interested in the experience of an autistic person doing prison time, check out his Prison Blog. If you are a fan of comic art, underground/outsider music, Lovecraft, Clarke Ashton Smith, Murakami, Cixui Liu, etc.

My Official Denunciation of the SyFy Channel

As inmate scum during this pandemic, as much as I try to stay motivated to work on my art skills, I watch a lot of TV. We're on lockdown right now. I noticed that I no longer even stop on the syfy channel anymore. I click right past it without even stopping long enough to see what's on. That is because the syfy channel is terrible now. "SyFy Original" has become a euphemism in my lexicon for " Shit Sandwich " .
Me : What are you watching ?
Cellmate scum: SyFy original ( He knows what this means to me )
Me: Ah, the golden seal of quality

Not only this but everything SyFy shows has become so family friendly to the point of mind crushing dullness. 90% of the time, its harry potter, and the rest of the time, its like, Shrek or something. Since when is Shrek science fiction ? Judgements for harry potter as a multimedia franchise aside, IT IS NOT FUCKING SCI FI.

Elisa Carlson