In Which I Sound Like a Burnout Granola Munching Cow 8/30/18
I feel pretty good. For an autistic burnout, with my cosmically scorched mind, sometimes the most simple parts of being alive can be so engrossing…enjoyable…that it’s almost perverse/lurid. a mind awash in a bath of electric flesh. Provided no one’s talking to me, which is about as disruptive to this state of being that it’s like a smack to the face. OH, and it helps if it’s not too bright. I’ve come to really crave dimly lit existence. When I feel like this it can be so nice that I don’t really notice: I just feel “isn’t this all weird?”…It’s almost like a blackout or a seizure. I’m just thinking about nothing in particular, feeling my cells divide. It’s nice when I’m not being pelted with light and sounds. And I’m not on drugs (except for depakote which doesn’t really apply). Just a little stretching, light exercise, followed by a short meditation. I’m not in Nirvana, but I know what it’s like to enjoy being isolated in the present moment. I seem to have been noticing it more lately. Certain distractions have been removed.