
Prison Blog

In which Possum recounts his experiences as an offender in the system.

Possum Bones is autistic. He has identified as a dirty kid in the past, and he’s attended multiple rainbow gatherings. He has several years left to serve in the Washington Correctional system.

He has been making art since he could sit up. He communicates better in writing than speech. If you are interested in the experience of an autistic person doing prison time, check out his Prison Blog. If you are a fan of comic art, underground/outsider music, Lovecraft, Clarke Ashton Smith, Murakami, Cixui Liu, etc.

Blog #10

Nothing can ever wash away the blood of the innocent.  It is true what J.K. Rowling said about the horcruxes.  The soul is forever bruised what?  Is all evil just human error?  The mind reels.  If you've can't know.  It is far worse than death when the beast within manifests, in all its mindless atavism.  In industrial society, most people are never taught how to deal with this.  Once, it was evidently understood, but in our "civility" we have lost sight of the animal in our society those who fail to keep this demon from coming out they are abandoned as fiends and alone left to try in vain to understand the reptile in the sanguine caverns of the mind.  Trapped inside with the unnamed thing that chacles the brain stem, shark-like, sensing but not feeling.  Only lust, rage and fear.  No one talks about it, afraid they are the only one.  But its in us all and if released, it is the enemy of all that is good in man and then...and then...then within yourself you are like the rapist and the victim.  You savage your own self and you'll never understand or be the same and there's no reprieve, no helping hand.  Left in a pool of cum and blood gnawing at your rotten limbs gibbering.  You just don't speak of it, you don't think of it and you lose a part of your mind forever. 

Elisa Carlson