
Prison Blog

In which Possum recounts his experiences as an offender in the system.

Possum Bones is autistic. He has identified as a dirty kid in the past, and he’s attended multiple rainbow gatherings. He has several years left to serve in the Washington Correctional system.

He has been making art since he could sit up. He communicates better in writing than speech. If you are interested in the experience of an autistic person doing prison time, check out his Prison Blog. If you are a fan of comic art, underground/outsider music, Lovecraft, Clarke Ashton Smith, Murakami, Cixui Liu, etc.

Blog #2 June 28, 2017

Today Rob came back to jail drunk. He was free for less than 72 hours.  I gave him my dinner to sober him up.  He said that I was an apostle because of myname and that he came back to see me before I go to prison because I'm special.'  He's schizophrenic, but he's sweet.  He said "sometimes I just wanna trash the whole city.  I want the kings of the earth to burn in hell."  I felt privileged to listen to the words of this mad tom o'bedlam.  Perhaps I have gone mad myself, but I too wish that I could just trash the whole world.  I want to see the kings fall too.  I think I was supposed to die somewhere in the last 7 years.  Instead, someone else died.  By a twist of fate, a transference, now I'm alive when I should be dead and someone who should be alive is dead.  That is how it was supposed to happen according to the kindly ones.

Elisa Carlson