Doran the Siege Tower
I was up all night building this Doran The Siege Tower deck. I think this game has a lot of balance issues, but its deep enough that the way a person plays seems to say something about their personality, like chess or go. In strategy games I tend towards " turtling " which is to prioritize making your assets immune to being sabotaged by your opponent, rather than attacking. In magic I also have a tendency towards combo decks where you build for a specific win condition ( Like, if you do this then this, and they don't stop you, you win ) . But lately I've come to think maybe my favorite strategy is whats called in magic " Hate " . So I put a lot of " hate bears " into the Doran deck. His colors allowed me to do this, green and white having all the best hate bears. What this is is its another kind of control than control. Control is typically blue, and its , lets say, reactive control. My first deck was a blue flying control deck of this type. Reactive control meaning, your opponent tries to do something and you stop them in response - countering the spell, tapping the permanents , etc. Hate is control but its not reactive control. Its just " Well, everyone probably wants to do this, so I'm gonna build a deck that doesn't need to do any of that stuff but makes it really hard for anyone else to do that stuff ". Hate bears are cards that say " Players can't do this " . Effectively, they add rules to the game . But your hate deck is built not to need anything else. Its built for that environment where spells can't be countered, artifacts can't be used, libraries can't be searched, and sorceries are weakened. Most of the cards are creatures , but theyre creatures which say " You can't cast spells, and you can't do any of that funky shit. You're gonna meet me on a battlefield of my choosing, and you're not bringing any tricks. " Its a pretty good strategy, because almost everyone has a game plan for their deck , and you basically build a deck which is bound to throw a wrench in any deck but a straight forward beat down deck , and then you build with strong enough creatures that you can probably handle a beat down deck. And it suits my preference for turtling. You can lose a lot of life before you get your defenses perfect, but once you're dug in, its over.