Grismold, Ghave , parallel lives , and phyrexian altar
With Grismold, Ghave , parallel lives , and phyrexian altar
remove a ctr from Ghave to create two saprolings placing a ctr on grismold
sac a saproling producing one mana , which places a counter on grismold
spend that one mana to remove the counter from grismold, in order to create two saprolings using the combination of Ghaves ability and parallel lives.
Creating infinite saprolings and infinite mana.
With earth craft, parallel lives and Ghave
pay one mana, removing a counter from Ghave which creates two saprolingfs because of parallel lives .
Tap a saproling using earth crafts ability to untap a basic land . Tap the basic land to create one mana , and spend that mana to sacrifice the tapped saproling, placing a counter on Ghave.
We now have Ghave, with 5 counters, and one untapped saproling.
Tap a saproling using earth crafts ability to untap the basic land creating one mana to remove a counter from Ghave which produces two saprolings.
We now have two untapped saprolins and and a tapped saproling.
Tap an untapped saproling in order to create mana through earth craft to sacrifice a tapped saproling , placing a counter on Ghave.
Now we have an untapped saproling, a tapped saproling, and Ghave with five counters. Tap the untapped saproling in order to remove a counter from Ghave, creating Twp saproloings. We now have four saprolings, two of which are tapped. We can do this until we have any number of tapped saprolings. On the next turn, there will be an arbitrary amount of saprolings able to untap lands an arbitrary number of times. The same effect happens if anointed procession is in place of parallel lives, and if doubling season is in place of AP/PL , then it also has the effect of creating infinite +1/+1 counters on Ghave.
This is not the most powerful use of AP/PL, but I found it myself, which is cool.
IF you have Ashnods Altar,Ghave, and Parallel lives, it probably creates infinite mana and saprolings, and if you have Phyrexian Altar, it still creates infinite untapped saprolings, and you can still sacrifice them for an arbitrary amount of mana . This ends the game if you have Exsanguinate, Cruel Celebrant, or Bastion of Remembrance,Slimefoot the Stowaway, or any number of other cards which deal damage to each opponent when a creature dies preferably, or by spending x mana for a spell such as exsanguinate or torment of hailfire. Harsh sustenance also ends the game for one opponent with this combo in play. If you have Mazirek Kraul Death Priest, Cathars Crusade, or Grismold the Dreadsower as above, it creates a fuckload of +1/+1 counters which can make more saprolings. If you have life and limb, every saproling is a forest, although you can't tap them immediately like with earthcraft, because earthcrafts tap ability is earthcrafts own cost. If you have aura shards, it destroys an infinite number of enchantments and artifacts. If you have Grave Pact, it causes your opponents to sacrifice an infinite/arbitrary number of creatures. You can use martyrs cause to sacrifice saprolings to prevent damage from any source. You could use academy rector to cheat out parallel lives, or you could use academy rector to cheat out nyxbloom ancient. Then every time you tap that basic land , you get three manas.